Please keep praying for wisdom and healing, and above all that God's will would be done and He would get all the glory.
Subscribe to this blog to receive the latest updates on how God continues to work in my family's life now that Daniel's journey battling tongue cancer has ended and he is home with Jesus. Please use the details shared to pray more specifically. Thank you!
Monday, December 29, 2014
A Close Call
Please keep praying for wisdom and healing, and above all that God's will would be done and He would get all the glory.
Saturday, December 20, 2014
Praise God for His strength in trying times
Saturday, December 13, 2014
Harder still
Thursday, December 11, 2014
Some prayer requests
It's been a hectic and tiring few days. Both kids have fevers and are feeling pretty low, or when one is feeling okay the other one is crying from misery. I'm getting sick myself and trying to fight it off. I can't bring the kids to visit daddy, and I have to wear a mask myself. It's yet another level of exhaustion.
So, please pray for a quick recovery for all of us at home, and of course for a full healing and recovery for Daniel if that is what would glorify God the most.
Daniel had another minor bleed on Monday followed by a major bleed the next day, the first from his mouth, the second from his lesion during a dressing change. Bleeding for him is easily potentially life-threatening, and something the doctors have worried about for a long time.
He already needed another transfusion last week and more pamidronate, and now he is getting low on hemoglobin again, and a new IV was started yesterday for more pamidronate again. In these regards, it feels like we're trying to fill up a leaking bucket, and we need God to step in to bring healing and resolution. Please pray for these things.
Also, around Daniel's left eye is puffy, so please pray that will recede. We don't know why but wonder if it might be from the new pillow protector we used last night on his special pillow from home (to make it easier to keep clean). He sleeps on that side.
Well, I need to go. My four year old is screaming and crying.
Tuesday, December 2, 2014
The One About Faith
Thursday, November 27, 2014
Stale or fresh
Complete healing
Bed sores
Weight gain (there were days last week I could not keep the food in me for long)
Evelyn and family
Saturday, November 22, 2014
What's "normal" anyway?
- Strength
- Sleep
- Wisdom with decisions
- We miss each other a lot and doing family life together.
- Bed sore heals (Dan only)
Friday, November 14, 2014
Update on past days.
(From Daniel):
Each day is a gift from God, and I will praise Him for who He is and what He has done, no matter how the day goes.
Well, yesterday was a challenging day. I was throwing up through my mouth and nose. My mouth started bleeding because of the trauma too.
My old IV site was infected and couldn't be used. The new one took three tries. The third try was with a larger needle on the inside of my forearm.
I was blessed by God to have my wife, Evelyn, there. She is not often here at that time of day. She was so helpful holding my hand and singing songs of dependence on God.
We needed the IV for a new medication to help with the nausea, as well as another dose of the pamidronate. Pray the new IV lasts a long time and does not get infected and that the new medication will work.
Today was a much better day. We are working on getting me back on schedule with my tube feeds. I had to skip a few meals yesterday because of how bad I felt.
I am trusting God with each step. This is hard, but I will not fear for He is with me.
Thank you for your prayers.
Saturday, November 8, 2014
God is in control
'Naked I came from my mother's womb,
And naked I shall return there.
The LORD gave and the LORD has taken away.
Blessed be the name of the LORD.'
22 Through all this Job did not sin nor did he blame God."
Saturday, November 1, 2014
Another visit home and a good conversation
Sure, the visit tired him out, but being in the morning -- when he has the most energy -- helped out a lot. He wasn't as dead-tired for the rest of day like the first visit. Praise God for these blessings!
As far as the medical side of things, Daniel needed another dose of the pamidronate for the hypercalcemia, but hasn't needed another transfusion, despite several small bleeds. He did need a new lancing today on the other side of his throat. It seems the area is still swelling larger very slowly. This is discouraging, but God knows what is going on on the tiniest molecular level. We choose to trust Him!
We had a particularly meaningful conversation with Daniel's nurse yesterday evening. I've spoken with her before at length about Daniel's care and treatment plan, what with all of its unconventionality. She was adamant that everyone who has a g-tube should be on what Daniel is eating, and everyone in general should be given fresh food, not canned and processed remnants. That's when they need the best food the most, she said.
She said in her 14 years as a nurse, she has never seen someone like Daniel and I take responsibility and advocate for ourselves. No, our plan certainly does not come cheap, but by God's grace and amazing provision, we have no worries right now. And the nurse said how much better Daniel is doing than others on the ward who don't have such a serious condition, and who won't or can't walk because of the pharmaceutical pain meds and lack of nutritious food.
I'm not casting blame here -- please don't misunderstand me; all I'm saying is that the healthcare system, when it really comes down to it, is all about economics. The individuals, however, the doctors and nurses, etc., are the wonderful personal side of that system. They do their jobs amazingly, by and large. And we are so very thankful to have universal healthcare and not have to pay a fortune for all of the care Daniel needs. But the underlying bureaucracy is the impersonal numbers game.
That's why you'll never see the things Daniel and I are using covered by medical. We spend over $100 a day on his meds, food, and supplements. I hate having to spend that kind of money (as we're both so frugal) but it's so very worth it -- look how well he's otherwise doing. I told the nurse that we have been so blessed by God through friends, family, and strangers, and are striving to be diligent with the wisdom and funds God has given us to make the best choices. The results, I said, are up to God, because the point of life isn't to be happy and healthy, necessarily, but to bring glory to God. And that is what we're trying to do.
The nurse started to get choked up when she reflected on how Daniel's situation is affecting the nurses. Given our situation, our young age and young kids, and the severity of Daniel's illness, it's hard on them, though she said, granted it's nowhere near the same intensity as it is for us. But we got a window into what God is doing in the care team. Please pray that God's purposes would be seen in those individuals who do all of the work to care for Daniel day by day. We only have this ministry opportunity because Daniel is so sick.
Our prayer is that God would display His power in an amazing, unmistakeable, miraculous way by healing Daniel, and in doing so would confront the individuals on the care team with His existence and His claim on their lives too; building the faith of those who know Him already, and breaking down barriers built by those who don't truly know God.
We are thankful for what we see God doing in our own lives and in others. That gives us joy despite all of the pain. All the same, we cry out to God that He would finish with His purposes in this season soon and bring healing and restoration. Please continue to join with us in prayer. Thank you so much.
May God be glorified.
Thursday, October 23, 2014
Busy days and times flies, yet it still seems to drag along.
Since the transfusion a few weeks ago (I already mentioned this second one), Daniel's hemoglobin levels have improved. The transfusion brought him from 73 to 103, and then his body brought him up to 112. This is great news! He hasn't needed another since. Any bleeds have been sporadic and fairly minor, praise God. The coagulant seems to be working well still.
Daniel's days are spent getting as much sleep as he can (and sleep has been pretty good), managing mucus from his trache, mouth, and nose with suction (as he can't swallow it), and trying to exercise a bit every day. I got us both new (to us) smartphones and plans so that allows him to be more connected with more data allowances; he's enjoying listening to his podcasts and favorite preachers again.
We're going to try for another home visit tomorrow (the second) depending on how Daniel is feeling. He has been more tired lately. Please pray that this can work out for everyone.
On Sunday, Daniel texted me saying that the nurse said his prepackaged blended food was running low and that he only had two days left! That caught me by surprise as it didn't seem like that long ago when I had checked and he still had several boxes left. We don't want him having the hospital blend as it's mostly sugar and chemicals, so I quickly ordered some more from the States. It usually arrives in a few days but I didn't hear anything. So, after contacting the company and having them make sure it would arrive asap, I still ended up having to make a few days' worth of food for Daniel. This caused a lot of nervousness for the dieticians, so there were several conversations and much time was spent trying to coordinate this temporary solution.
So yes, it's been a busy week. But I have the shipment now and will be delivering it to Daniel this evening (thanks, Leanne C.!).
Big picture, we're still waiting to see progress against the cancer. Daniel lost a tooth last week. It was uprooted by the tumor in his lower jaw. That is where the bleeding has mostly come from. Other teeth are vulnerable too still.
We know that if God has plans for Daniel still, then nothing can stop Him from fulfilling those plans. Not cancer, and not any of its effects. From our perspective, Daniel still has so much to do to serve the Lord, as a father, husband, manager and campfire leader at Timberline, etc. We don't have the sense or peace that his service is done (though, granted, feelings are of limited value in things like this as they are so fickle). So, we will continue to pray faithfully and fervently, all in the context of knowing that God is sovereign and He definitely knows what He is doing. Please continue to pray with us and for us for a miracle -- we long to see you all give thanks with us for God's mercy and deliverance!
The following passage has been very encouraging for me the past few days. I encourage you to read through it all and reflect on how dire Paul's circumstances were (though we don't know what they were), and how God came through for him for His glory. No, it's not a promise per se, but it does tell us about the God Whom we serve, and encourages us to pray for the (otherwise) impossible.
2 Cor. 1:3-11 (AMP)