I visited Daniel again last night with a friend. He was much less agitated with the new sedative. He was still restless and not sleeping much. While Christa prayed, however, he settled right down and was totally restful, and a little later was still able to respond to the nurse as she did some of his oral care. So encouraging.
Overnight, he slept for a few hours, but became a little more restless again after the nurses had to change his bed linen a few times. The sleeping pill didn't help.
This morning, his nurse said he was smiling, asked for his breakthrough med, and was like he was when she had him earlier this week.
I just saw him after church. He's alert, back to himself, just really tired and still feels off from the sedatives they gave him. So good to see him so much better! Praise God!
He was up in his chair, shaved, and even rubbed my feet as I lay on his bed. He wrote it was priceless to have me there.
He asked if he just had chemo, because that's how he feels. I reassured him and told him enough about the past few days to explain why he feels groggy and gross. I'm not telling him details, not until he's much more healthy. I just said he's really sleep-deprived and needs to rest a lot so he'll feel a lot better.
Thank you all so much for your prayers. They are being answered. Please keep praying that the off feeling and jittery muscles he's dealing with will settle down, that he'd be able to get good rest, and of course that his primary med would continue to kill all the cancer! May God get all the glory!
Thanking God for improvement, and continuing to pray. The Rachel family.