Since my last update, Daniel has continued to be very fatigued. Today he was able to be more alert and write more clearly, but overall his energy levels are very low. He is still accepting his meals well, though today the palliative Dr. and us discussed some bowel issues Daniel is having, and we decided to reduce one of his meals to a snack. Please pray the sharp, intense pain he is experiencing in this regard will be alleviated. Otherwise, Daniel's blood levels seem to be pretty stable, last I heard. Definitely helpful.
On the 30th, during that medium-level bleed Daniel had that I mentioned last update, his phone got scooped up into all the bloody laundry and lost. We have no idea if we'll see it again, and I've been told it can take months to find and then process the paperwork. When the nurse told me the day after it happened, while I was surprised, reflecting back, I actually wasn't as upset as I normally would be. I wasn't upset at all! Even though it's an expensive phone and it took me a lot of work to get for Daniel (for the price I did get it for), after talking with the nurse, I went into Daniel's room and prayed, "Well, Lord, if you want us to get it back, You can make it happen." When I learned there was a form I needed to fill out, I did that. I told the unit clerk my concerns, and she said she would ask the social worker to help when she was in the next day. Otherwise, there was nothing I could do. The hardest part was that Daniel didn't have a way to connect with the outside world, and I didn't want him feeling isolated. I gave that to God, and left it there.
On the 2nd, the social worker called me with the name and number of the unit manager who wanted to replace the phone! I was very appreciative, expecting a replacement that would be lower-end and basically just able to text. That would have been fine. I called him and we set up a time to meet at my carrier. He was adamant that we solve this problem as quickly as possible so Daniel didn't have to suffer this awful inconvenience any longer than necessary.
We met a few hours later and within ten minutes we were done. The carrier associate asked which phone. I asked the unit manager what the expectations were for replacement. He again was adamant that there be as little inconvenience as possible and insisted we get the phone that most closely resembled what we lost in features and capability. So, I said that I had looked at the carrier website that morning and sheepishly said the best match was also the most expensive phone. He said, "Then that's the one we get!" The associate also agreed that was the best match, and asked what colour :) I expressed my deep gratitude for the generosity, and he just reiterated how important it was that Daniel have what he needs, and that it should be as little hassle for me with my kids and with everything else I'm dealing with. I also said it was very important the phone be drop-proof and be in a rugged case like the previous phone, and so he said, "Okay, then we'll get you the case you need." The carrier store didn't have it but the London Drugs a few stores down did. The associate there pointed us to, again, the most expensive option as what was the best fit. The unit manager had no problem with it. So...almost $900 later.
Wow, I am so thankful for God's providence for solving this dilemma for us, for doing a work in my own life (that I actually didn't worry about it!), and the generosity displayed by the hospital. I've been told that this expedited generosity is absolutely unheard of in the hospital. Usually, the bureaucracy and paper-pushing, though not intentional, drowns the best intentions to help and quick resolutions are never expected. This unit manager has only been working there for a month or two, I was told, and everyone loves him. He was such a blessing. He said over and over that if I ever needed anything -- "Anything!" -- to not hesitate to call his cell and he would help.
We're still hoping they will find the original phone of course, because there are things on it that haven't been synced since we got it a few months ago. Hopefully it didn't go through the wash. But again, that's in God's hands. We have more than what we need now because of God's provision.
The other story I wanted to share was a conversation I had with one of Daniel's hospitalist doctors. A few days after the near fatal bleed Daniel had, I was headed out after visiting him. I met Dr. S. in the parking lot as she was just arriving. She asked how we were (she hadn't been Daniel's doctor lately), and I told her about the crisis, and she was very concerned. I said, "Yes, it's been very hard, but God has brought us through and is strengthening Daniel and he is recovering okay."
She looked at me thoughtfully, and asked, "You really believe God is giving you the strength you need, don't you?" She isn't a Christian, and comes from a Russian-speaking country. She has always smiled and nodded when I brought up God.
I replied, "Oh, yes! There is no way we would be able to get through this without God's strength. Daniel wouldn't have been able to survive this long without it!"
Thoughtful again, she said, "I admire you. So many people say they believe in God, but they don't have what you have."
"I know," I answered. "There are two reasons for that. Either they don't know what they have in God, or they don't believe in the true God even though they say they do."
She pondered that, while I continued, "God may heal Daniel, or He may choose not to. But that's okay, because the most important thing is that He is glorified. He has given us promises that we can rely upon."
She didn't understand the part about promises and asked a clarifying question, so I rephrased what I meant. I ended with, "God is good and He is loving. We can trust Him."
She replied, "Thank you for sharing that with me," and we went our separate ways. I headed to my car and sat and prayed for her and so many others whom we are affecting, crying out for God to be glorified through us and bring a harvest. His will be done.
So, please continue to pray for:
- God's will to be done
- God to be glorified
- That many would come to know Him through this
- That God would have even more mercy on us and soon fulfill our longings to have Daniel restored and able once again to declare God's love in speech and song, and serve Him with all of the gifts and abilities He's given him
- For relief for Daniel from the pain in his stiff neck and sensitive bowels
- For energy and strength to endure for both of us
- For His people that their faith would be strengthened through the powerful work of God through our faith.
Thank you.
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