Sunday, February 1, 2015

The latest

Daniel has had three bleeds in as many days, the most recent during my visit tonight. I mentioned the other two on Facebook, for those of you connected there. It's been such a hard few days, dealing with so much emotion and spending so much energy crying out to God for strength.

(My updates on Facebook:

Friday,  1:47pm
Daniel is resting after another very major bleed early this morning. I found out about it when I came in this morning. He lost more than a litre they think. He is still very tired but responsive, just weak. The doctor ordered a few meds to help prevent more bleeding. It's hard to say medically how long he has. God knows, and we are finding our comfort in Him. If He wants to heal Daniel still, nothing will stop him. We are surrendering to His will moment by moment. It's a very hard place to be, but the only one that brings peace. Thank you for continuing to pray.

Saturday,  6:32pm
Daniel had another significant bleed this morning. When I got there he was extra sleepy from the meds they gave him again. The doctor won't be ordering any more transfusions. God knows how much time he has left. Still entreating God for a miracle if that would glorify Him the most.)

When Daniel is awake, he sometimes wants to try and write something, but that has become impossible. Either what he writes is unintelligible, or he can't even stay focused for more than a few seconds and just lays there holding his phone or the pen. I wish I knew what he wanted to say. Please pray that we could communicate effectively.

We exist in the tension between acknowledging God may take Daniel home soon and the possibility of healing him. Above all, more than life itself, we want God to be glorified. I continue to give God my desires,  hopes,  and dreams. Every time I have that fear of getting that phone call from the hospital,  I choose to give that to God too.

Prayer requests:

Continued strength and grace experienced in even more profound ways.

Comfort in our fears and the perseverance to keep giving them to God.

That God would keep displaying Himself in amazing and powerful ways, for His glory and honour.

Practically,  for the kids who are both sick. Josiah has had the sniffles and a short fever all week,  and Kezia who got pinkeye suddenly this morning. Her eye is swollen half shut. Pray for patience for me as she screams while I give her the eyedrops.

Thank you for praying. And for so many of you for your practical help too.

To God be the glory. His will be done.


  1. You do not know our family, but we are constantly praying for your husband and you and asking God to carry you through this extreme trial of suffering. We are lifting you to the throne of grace and asking God to be very close to you. May He surround you with His peace that passes our understanding, may His righteous right hand uphold you and may you find rest under the shelter of His wings. He is our refuge and strength, a very present help in times of trouble. Praying that His perfect love casts out fear. Hide yourself in His everlasting arms. Your faith in the Great I AM has been a testimony and it pleases the Lord, Your brothers and sister's in Christ are upholding you today in prayer.
