Over the past several weeks, I have been trying to identify
and process a feeling I have. It seems
like half of me is missing. I feel like several emotional limbs have been
severed and I keep experiencing their loss over and over again.
It’s not just that my best friend, husband, and co-equal
in our labour for Christ is gone, it’s that part of me went with him when he
was called home to Heaven. It’s such a strange feeling to have my best friend
gone from here but knowing he is literally worshipping God in His glorious
presence at this very moment. The godly man with whom I shared every part of
life is now being blessed with utter intimacy with our Lord, praising Him beyond
how he had always dreamed.
This has had a profound impact on me. I look at life differently,
and my goals are more refined. I interpret life – decisions, values, everyday
life – in a more focused way; a sort of “Heaven lens.” The way I interact with
friends, with new Christian acquaintances, with unbelievers around me – there’s
a different focus. I am more able to be intentional with getting to the
important things, being more gently and genuinely up front about God and His
work in my life, and with seeing people in general more the way God sees them,
in light of eternity. Yes, I still have a long way to go as Christ keeps
refining me, but I am so very thankful for how God has already been changing me
through this crucible.
Yesterday, I attended a strata meeting for my townhouse
complex. I sat with two ladies – one I just met and the other I knew very
little. In the course of our conversation, I mentioned my recent bereavement.
Their faces fell and their lungs deflated, and they offered their sincere
condolences. But as usual for me now, I never let it stay there for long. I
broke into a big smile and said how happy I am for Daniel that he is with
Jesus, and how amazing God has been in His faithfulness and provision for me.
Yes, I said, it’s so hard, but God is good.
The one lady whom I knew a little said, “Oh, your husband
was the guy who worked at Timberline, right?” She said when her daughter first
saw him several years ago around the complex, she had excitedly told her
mother, “Mom! You’ll never guess who lives here now! Stringy!!!” Daniel had
gotten that reaction from several kids around our neighbourhood.
The lady I just met said she admired my strength. She said
if that ever happened to her husband, she knows she would turn bitter and
resentful. Both indicated they didn’t understand how I could be so strong. I
told them plainly, “The only way to
get through this is with Christ. There is no way otherwise.” They were glad I
had my way, and the conversation
moved on and the meeting started. I trust God will use that encounter in their
lives for His glory.
Thank you for this thoughtful blog update..... praying you will continue to feel God's Presence through all the moments in each day - strengthening and upholding you. May the witness you give for the Lord bring Him the honour. That all being said and sincerely meant, I wish you the comfort that the Lord alone can bring you in the loss of Daniel being here below with you in your family.... with Christian care, Jen