Friday, May 29, 2015

Cemetery Marker

The kids and I went back to the cemetery earlier this week again to check if the marker had been installed yet. I had checked a few times before and finally it was there. I am pleased with how it turned out. I think it reflects Daniel well, reminding all of us what is really important.

Although I explained to the kids what the marker was and why we were visiting the cemetery, they're still too young to fully grasp the differing layers of what it means to lose their daddy. I explain what I can at their level, but I'm so thankful for the grace God is giving them and for their innocence during these hard days. I'm sure as they get older, there will be many tough conversations with them as to why God let this happen. I'm just so thankful Christianity has solid answers to hold on to. Tough questions about suffering and why God allows it pose no threat to my faith, but rather make it all the more real.

PS: If you so generously provided us with meals and have yet to pick up your dishes, please contact me. I will be donating what is left to charity in a few weeks. Thank you!

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