The kids are keeping me busy too, of course. I'm daily endeavoring to teach them and train them. I started a "Good Choices" chart for Josiah to help him learn how to make good choices when I'm not around to remind him. I'm finding it hard though, in general, to not have back-up and Daddy around to spell me off when I need it. I haven't had that for a long time already, and it's still hard. Please pray for wisdom, patience, and strength to be a good single mom.
During one of my many organizing/sorting projects, I came across Daniel's Chapel binder. He was often the speaker at Chapel and Campfire at Timberline for summer or seasonal camps. He had filled a binder with his collection of notes, illustrations, and ideas for putting together his talks. One of the things in the binder were his Timberline New Year's "Legacy Letters." In 2006 and 2007, he wrote a letter to himself during the TR New Year's camp which, as part of the activity, the staff and campers were then given/mailed back the next New Year's. In the letter, they were instructed to write about what they would want their legacy to be and use it as a time to reflect on any positive changes they should make moving forward.
I'd like to share with you Daniel's letters:
My Legacy, 2006
I want to receive a hug from Jesus. I want Him to say, "Well done, good and faithful servant."
I want:
- my selfishness to die
- to truly love God with everything and love others
- learn cello
- live a life out of energy and not out of tiredness
- to say "no" to more things so I can do this ---^
- others to see Christ (in me), not me
- a partner to serve God with
- strong friendships
[On the other side of the letter, he wrote phrases of what he wanted people to say of him in life and death:]
"He followed God."
"He loved people deeply."
"God was so strong in his weakness."
"He cared."
"God used him to change my life."
"He is a real friend."
"To know him is like knowing Christ."
Leaving a Legacy, 2007
Praise God!!! You have done so much in 2007. You have made me a better leader. I was able to work less crazy hours and that made me healthier. You brought the most amazing, beautiful woman into my life. The more I get to know her the more I like. You know what You're doing. I pray that Evelyn and I would bring you glory and we depend on You. I want to marry her, but I ask for Your will to be done. Help me to be patient. Help me to never put her before You. Thank you, God, for what You have done in our relationship and for bringing us together. Would You please make this last for life. God, I want to serve You the rest of my life with Evelyn.
What changes do I need to make?
- Continue to be more and more dependent on God
- Become a better listener
- Spend more time in God's Word
- Honour others' time by being on time
"Search me, oh God, and know my heart. Test me and know my anxious thoughts. See if there is any offensive way in me and lead me into the way everlasting."
Things I would like people to say of me when I'm gone:
- "He really listened to me and cared."
- "I felt God's love through him."
- "Praise God for what He did in and through Daniel."
- "I want to follow Jesus like he did."
- "He loved me unconditionally."
- "I'm a better person for knowing him because God used him in my life."
- "He loved others and me with only a love that could come from God."
- "His life was characterized by patience, kindness...."
- "He was real."
- "I could trust him."
- "He followed God."
- "He loved God so much."
What I want to hear from God:
"Well done, good and faithful servant."
"I love you."
"You are mine."
"I gave myself for you."
I can honestly and heartily say all of those phrases about Daniel.
And so, dear reader, I ask you and myself the same questions. What kind of legacy should we leave? What do we want people to say of us both now and when we're no longer here? What do we want God to say to us when we meet Him? Will you meet Him in grace or in judgement? While this life is but a mere speck in light of eternity, the choices we make here determine where we will spend that eternity and to what degree of fullness of worship to God we will have in Heaven if we are Christ's.
Daniel's life is an amazing example of how a flawed, imperfect, and weak man was used by God in immeasurable ways to show God's love to others and bring glory to Himself.
Oh, would that be said of all of us.
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