Saturday, April 12, 2014

Opportunities to Help

There are a few opportunities to help, for those of you who have been asking how you can help practically. We need:

- a ride into Vancouver on Monday afternoon for Daniel's appt with the surgeons. He usually does the driving into Vancouver -- it would just stress me out if I had to drive. We would need someone at our place by 1:15. I don't know when we'd be back. Depends. 

- a batch or two of soup! Daniel has been on a liquid diet for three months now. Could someone(s) make some good healthy, hearty soup with lots of meat and veggies? No wheat, tomatoes, or dairy please. Nothing acidic. Don't worry about texture -- Daniel will make it work. 

- baby food: could someone make some baby food for Kezia? She enjoys meat and veggies. What we usually do is boil chicken breast and cook some carrots or peas and blend it together. We then freeze it in ice cube trays and then bag it. 

Please let me know if you can help out in these very practical ways. And thank you so much for continuing to pray!


  1. Paul says he could drive Daniel in on Monday.

  2. I will make you some homemade chicken and rice soup. Can I bring it by on Monday morning?

  3. Julie, thank you. That would be so great.

  4. Hello, this is from Bob Wahl, husband of Beverley Wahl who wrote the book about her father's role in CSB, "Building Boys, A Tribute to Capt. Tom Peake" I 'm afraid I can't do much to help and certainly Beverley can no longer help anyone. However we pray together every day and certainly are praying for you and Daniel. May the Lord give you courage, grace and strength at a very trying time.

  5. Hello I am a friend of Suzanne Marsh. I would love to make the baby food for you as I do it often for my own daughter. How much would you like? Around how many cubes? How old is she? Do you want it really pureed or just blended well?

  6. Thank you, Breanne. Could you check with me again in a few weeks? We've had several people who are helping out with baby food (so wonderful), and our freezer won't be able to take everything at once, haha. Thank you!!
