Looking back on today it seemed that time went too quickly. Evelyn’s parents offered to watch the kids so that Evelyn and I could spend much of the day together. Praise God for the joy and delight to have spent the day together with my wife. Praise God for the PICC line going in today. Please pray that it stops bleeding and heals up and does not get infected (though it is already doing better than this afternoon). My pain meds were increased and so far it's been good. Pray for a healthy balance to be found between effective pain management and overmedication.
I have a new person in my hospital room again today, and there seems to be a dark cloud hanging over her – a lot of negativity. They “know” the name of Jesus Christ, but not the fact that He is the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world! I pray that Jesus Christ, the Light of the world, will shine brightly. Pray that God would heal my tongue so I can speak clearly the truth of God's love, forgiveness, grace, etc. So often in life I've been too timid to speak with others about these most important things, and now I've been placed next to people who need the hope that Jesus brings and I am held back by the very thing that has brought me here.
I was very happy to hear how well the Family Festival at Timberline Ranch went yesterday! I wish I could have been there but am so thankful for all who made it happen.
It was a blessing to continue to have visitors. The Goerzen family all came, and that meant so much to me because I, like many of you who know them, have been praying for Jesse since his diagnosis of cancer last year. To have them come and show me God’s love and care and pray for me was so, so meaningful!
Pray for good sleep (praise God for ear plugs!).
Pray for a good start to chemo on Monday.
My hope is in the Lord. God be glorified!
Praying for you and thinking of you Daniel!! I hope you're recovering from the chemo. Our God is so good and He is with you now.