Saturday, May 10, 2014

A busy few days at “home”

As you may know, Daniel was discharged on Tuesday. It was certainly wonderful for him to sleep in his own bed and start eating much better food!

Today, Saturday, was the first day, however, that we didn’t visit a hospital! Daniel had to visit the ER on Wednesday to get his swollen arm looked at, return to Ridge Meadows on Thursday for the ultrasound to check for a clot (which they found), and then was sent back to the ER for the rest of that evening. Both nights he didn’t get home until after nine (thank you to Leanne and Sandy for giving him a ride home those evenings!).


Then yesterday, we already had an appointment with the cancer agency dietician set up, but because of our ER visits we needed to see our oncologist, Dr. Uhlman, for the prescription for a blood thinner. The appointments were very positive. Dr. Uhlman got caught up on what was going on, and she was also encouraged by the progress Daniel is seeing with the decreased tumor size and his ability to move his tongue just a little bit more! His arm is nearly back to normal too, and is just a little bit sore. All wonderful reasons to praise God!


Dr. Uhlman prescribed Daniel’s blood thinner, Fragmin injections. It’s the most effective type for cancer patients, but for someone who has an aversion to needles, this was a point of anxiety for Daniel! He’d already had three the day before in the ER, and so the thought of having to stick himself with a needle every day wasn’t very appealing. So we discussed the options with Dr. Uhlman, and decided that the alternatives had way too many side effects and the injections would be worth it.


On a side note, one of the reasons why we needed Dr. Uhlman to prescribe the blood thinner is that it would be covered under medical as long as a cancer patient’s oncologist prescribes it. When we saw the cost of them later at the pharmacy, we were very thankful!


Our appointment with the dietician was positive as well. She was very encouraging with the menu choices Daniel and I have made for him, and she didn’t obsess over calories (like some of the ward dieticians we talked with). Her emphasis was weight gain during the break, and to maintain the weight during chemo. Daniel is able to swallow far, far better than a few weeks ago and no longer chokes on water as long as he concentrates. So, his G tube is only supplementary at this point. He is enjoying very healthy shakes and smoothies and pureed soups.


After our appointments, we picked up a treat and went to Mill Lake. We sat on a bench in the breeze and enjoyed the fresh air together. What a wonderful time away from hospitals and ER’s (see photo). My mom was watching the kids again and had said to take our time. So nice!


Yesterday evening was when Daniel had to do his first injection. The pharmacist had instructed us, but also pointed out the med came with a DVD. Daniel really appreciated the detailed explanation and instructions, but it still came down to God giving him the strength and courage to actually administer it. He had to face his fear and he gives God all the glory for empowering him to do so! He was so relieved when it was done, and I assured him that was the hardest one he’ll ever have to do!


Today, we planned on a day at home – no appointments or visitors – just a day to actually get rest and spend time as a family. It has been wonderful. After a sleep-in morning, Daniel spent what little energy he had and insisted he make me waffles for a pre-Mother’s Day brunch. So lovely. He had a few naps and lots of rest today, he’s eaten very well, and we went for a family walk around our neighbourhood after dinner. It is so nice having him home, with the pain meds working well.


Some prayer requests would be fewer interruptions during the night for both him and me. Between him needing a break-through pain med or a bathroom break, or me being up with one of the kids, sleep could still be improved upon. Please pray that the injections would get easier. Please pray that the clot would dissolve quickly (his body has to do this part, as the blood thinner merely prevents it from getting bigger or new ones developing), and that there would be no complications with clots or problems with bleeding either. Pray that the improvements we’re seeing would continue and accelerate and that Daniel would of course be fully healed soon! Pray that his ability to gain and maintain weight would be stable throughout his treatments and breaks, and that his energy and strength would keep returning.


Also, for those of you who have made baby food that’s waiting in your freezer, we’re running low so it’d be great to have some dropped off. Let me know. Thank you!!


We have seen God answer so many prayers and we are so encouraged at the progress we’re seeing. We continue to pray for a miracle, all the while we want to conform our will of timing and results to His as He wonderfully knows what is best.

Thank you for continuing to pray with us and for us. May God get all the glory!

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