May 6, 3:30pm blog from Daniel:
I'm very excited and praising God, after 3 weeks of being in the hospital I will be going home!
I'm very excited and praising God, after 3 weeks of being in the hospital I will be going home!
We are on our way home soon, just finishing a lot of paperwork. Praise God I get to see my kids today and sleep in my own bed!!!
I am so thankful to be feeling better and that I'm getting stronger each day.
My hope is not in doctors, chemo or alternate methods even as I use them all. My hope is in God, the true healer and sustainer of life. No worrying can add even an hour to our lives. Each day we have is a gift and is sovereignly in His hands. I will fight the cancer with all the strength He gives me knowing that is it not about me but all about His glory. May God's will be done. I am praying that His will will be many more years to serve Him here.
I know in a new way that each day is a gift from God, and to be thankful and rejoice in each day He gives me, no matter what great joys or great pains it holds. This is a gift that having cancer has given me.
I cried when I saw my kids at home and hugged them. It is so wonderful to be home.
Please continue to pray with us that God would be glorified, for complete healing and praise God that I'm home with my family!!!
Thank you again for your continued prayers, concern, and support.
May 7, 9am from Daniel:
Praise God that I am home and I'm still crying with joy about this fact. I didn't realize how hard it was on me to be away for so long. Prayer: my right arm that has my PICC line is very sore; please pray it would get better. Strength for today, I'm weak and it's more work being at home. For complete healing from the cancer.
Now, 5:45pm:
Now, 5:45pm:
I'm at Ridge Meadows emerg with Daniel to have his swollen right arm checked out. Sandy Smith took him in earlier this afternoon as I was out (while my mom is watching the kids), so thank you to Sandy once again for helping so much! She didn't want to take any chances because his PICC might be the culprit.
I got here about an hour ago. Daniel just had some blood work done so we're waiting on that and then the doctor will come back. Daniel will probably need to come back tomorrow for an ultrasound, she said. That's what we know so far.
So, praise God for Sandy's huge help, and that Daniel had a good two hour sleep during the wait to see the doctor.
Please pray that his arm problem would be resolved quickly and easily, that there would be no further complications, and that Daniel would be able to really enjoy his break at home where he can gain strength by eating well, sleeping lots, and exercising. He is currently a lot weaker than he was yesterday. Please pray for strength and comfort that only God can provide! Thank you!!
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