Sunday, September 14, 2014

Praise God for little wins!

(From Daniel):

Thank you for your prayers. 

The doctor recommended a nose rinse to buy to help relieve pressure. Evelyn went and got it and it worked very well. It is giving me one less area that causes pain and pressure in my head. Praise God! 

Pray for my neck and ear pressure and pain to ease or just go away :)

Pray for Evelyn and I to have good sleep. 

We put all our hope in the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth. 


(From Evelyn):

Our days continue to be very long and tiring, on multiple levels. The CT scan on Thursday confirmed that the cancer is worse. But Daniel has been working so hard with physio, he is actually stronger than he was a month ago. Praise God for that! Still, he is very weak, and only 112 lbs. 

We have a meeting tomorrow late morning to update and discuss with the care team the plan and strategy. Please pray for wisdom. Daniel still needs medical care (a second abscess has developed and needs to drain), so we want him to stay put and not be moved to a less medical floor. 

And most of all, dear friends and family, please pray fervently that God would do what only He can do and bring full healing and restoration to Daniel's body! We need this miracle from God, by His wisdom and grace. Please pray that God would use whatever He would choose (primary med or just time), and show us His power swiftly and be glorified for it! We pray we would see God's work soon, as Daniel and I are both so very weary and worn with pain and suffering, each in our own ways. 

Our hope remains firmly planted in God and we believe He is able! The painful part is not knowing whether He will heal or not. But we DO know that whatever God chooses to do, He will redeem all the pain and suffering into something amazingly beautiful!

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