Saturday, September 27, 2014


The recent blood work showed Daniel's hemoglobin count continues to be low. Also, Daniel needs his pamidronate (calcium med), which seems to have been missed last month. To make that med the most effective, Daniel needs more blood in his system so as not to tax his heart. So, he is just getting the second unit of three now.


Please pray that the transfusion will be highly helpful and the pamidronate will also be effective in alleviating some cancer-caused symptoms. 

Please continue to pray that we would see the progress against the cancer that we yearn for, signs that Daniel's body is getting better at fighting like it's designed to. Please continue to pray for special providence (which we've seen so much these last several months and beyond), and please keep praying for a miracle of healing. God is able; we just don't know what will glorify Him the most. In His infinite wisdom, He knows exactly what He's doing, and doesn't and will not ever make a mistake. 

Please pray for me as well. I am feeling so beyond weary, coordinating Daniel's care, trying to raise our kids with some semblance of routine and security, taking care of the household, and oh, yeah, me too. Yes, I'm working hard at being intentional to take care of myself too, but it is so hard when there are so many responsibilities and when Daniel is so ill. I know that the best way to take care of Daniel and the kids is to take care of myself. But how does that translate when I am so utterly emotionally and physically exhausted, yet the kids still need me and Daniel's care requires more phone calls and things done? I am trying my best (yes, in God's strength) to balance, but that doesn't negate the profound weariness and emotional anguish I struggle with. 

Agh, but I'm talking about me! This isn't about me! Daniel is the one who is sick and needs your persistent prayers. Please continue, friends and family. The relief and rescue that my family needs can only come from God, and we pray that He would bring healing and restoration swiftly, fulfilling His purposes in this intense trial. 

Thank you to so many whose service is helping so very much. 

May God get all the glory, for great things He has done and undoubtedly will do!

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