Sunday, October 5, 2014

While we are waiting...

Thank you to so many of you who are so faithful in praying for us and supporting us in so many ways. It means so very much. 

The past week has been thankfully fairly even. The transfusion and subsequent iron IV and pamidronate helped significantly with Daniel's headaches and returned his energy back to where it had been. 

Please pray, however, that the IV site on his arm would heal quickly from the leaked saline from a poor connection. It burns. His body has to reabsorb it but it takes a long time. Daniel's veins always give the nurses trouble when they try putting an IV in, and it usually takes several tries. For Daniel, that means a lot of pain and stress. Please pray any future IV's would work well the first time. 

Daniel has worked hard to continue to build up his strength, and has done a flight of 13 stairs up and down a few times this week. It's quite a workout for him and fatigues him for the next several hours. 

We haven't seen any progress against the cancer in the past five weeks or so, though the CT scan a few weeks ago confirmed it hasn't spread to other organs as it should have, and his lungs are still clear of the metastases. Praise God! Like I said in a previous post, the main tumour has gotten larger and remains that size. 

Daniel's lower lip protrudes where his two front lower teeth are very loose. Both are apparently caused by the tumour affecting teeth roots and the nerves in his lip. Please pray the numbness in his lip would get better and that he wouldn't injure it in the meantime. 

Oh, how we are so very weary of all of this. Daniel wrote that it is getting easier to feel discouraged, and I can relate, though we are both filled with many conflicting emotions. Everything from joy, hope, and contentment, to sadness and disappointment. 

Earlier this week, I wrote a list of reminders about God, things I would tell myself when I am anxious or overwhelmed. Perhaps it can help you be intentional too in remembering Who it is we serve and love:

Intentional reminders about God:

He is good. 
He doesn't make mistakes. 
He knows what He is doing. 
He is trustworthy. 
He is fully in control. 
He is powerful enough to bring about His plan. 
He loves my family even more than I do (and perfectly).
He knows about my pain. 
He enters into my pain with me. 
He has compassion for me. 
He is allowing this pain for good reasons. 
He will not allow this pain forever. 
He knows my desire to serve Him. 
He will not leave anything unfinished. 
He will accomplish/allow that which will bring glory and honour to His name the most. 

After all, it's not about me. 

I hope that encourages you. Remember to not forget in darkness what you learned in the light (thanks, Starfield, for a great lyric). If you are in a time of "light," now is the time to dig deeply into God's Word, study God's character and works, get to know Whom it is you call your Lord and Saviour. 

If you are in the darkness of a valley, even in the shadow of death, immerse yourself in prayer and reading the Bible, remind yourself of the truths that you believe -- truths that are much easier to believe when all is well. Take joy in the fact that the trying of your faith proves it is alive and genuine. Identify the lies that the enemy is trying to fool you with, and let the crucible of suffering that God is allowing to shape and refine you. As C. S. Lewis said, "Pain is God's megaphone." You and I are much more useful to God having been refined in fiery trials. 

And in that context, we still continue to ask that this season would be over soon, that God would be glorified the most in bringing full recovery and health back to Daniel for God's glory and the advancement of His kingdom! 

And while we are waiting, we will continue to serve Him and worship Him!

Kezia, 20 months, giving me a moment of joy and laughter. 

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