Saturday, September 20, 2014

Big update

From Daniel:

Today is a good day for me. I am so thankful to be resting in less pain. I have rediscovered how distraction is a great way to deal with some of the pain and discomfort and even avoid the stronger pain killers that can have painful side effects for me if I have too often. I've been enjoying listening to lots of Radio Theatre. 

The Care Team meeting went well; there were seven people there, besides Evelyn and I and Sandy. Doctors, specialists, home health liaisons, etc. My room was full! 

Our next goal is to make short visits home. One step is to be able to do stairs. So I've started stairs with physio. I was so sore that night and next day after the first time. People keep telling me I'm looking stronger each day. I praise God for the strength He gives. 

Another step in having short trips home is being able take care of my trach with cleaning and all the "just in case" cases. Evelyn is doing well with the trach training.  

Last week I had the second abscess lanced with great success. The doctor did it in my room, and Evelyn held my hand, and her and the doctor did a good job talking me through it. It's short term pain for a longer term gain. I now have a third abscess. The third and first  abscess (that had opened on its own but needs a larger hole to drain from) are going to be lanced today. 

A few weeks ago my tongue swelled more and pushed my front bottom teeth forward and very out of place. Painful and uncomfortable. Pain management has helped with this.   

I had a shower (first one in a very long time). It helped with the pressure in my ears and helped me sleep much better. 

The nose rinse is still helping a lot. It helped my hearing to come back and take away the pain I've been having in my ears.  

I am walking with just the pole or the advanced walker. I can walk short distances with help. 

The swallowing test went well, and we are waiting for a barium test in a few weeks. This means I can drink small amounts of ice water. I am so happy about this. Do you know how good ice cold water tastes? Feels? 

In the last weeks I've been able to have some good conversations with some nurses and I am finding a boldness to include God and things He has taught me. Evelyn did a fantastic job sharing our Christian perspective at the Care Team meeting. 

Praise God I'm sleeping better at night and my mind is clearer. 

I feel such a hope and joy deep inside it could only come from God. 

Pray that the cancer will go away completely. 

Thank you for your prayers, they are priceless. 


Like the belt? :)

1 comment:

  1. Love the belt Daniel! So good to hear from you. I am continue is prayer for God's Good Will to be done and am thanking Him that He has chose such a good witness of His Grace.
    love you both!
    Cindy Mason
