Wednesday, September 3, 2014

New trach, new lessons, new attitude, and now new praises!

The trach got changed this morning; that was not fun but all the will of God. I was about to head straight into a panic attack again, like when the trach was first put in -- not fun memories. 

God helped me calm down, and in the moment I felt a calm so deep that even though it felt like the waters were so turbulent above I could ride them out because of God's peace. I had two choices: to be selfish and think about how I can survive and fight even the people who are selflessly trying to help (because I know me and how my body is), or to trust that God is in control, relax, even no matter if it is good or bad. I am so thankful for God's faithfulness. 

The doctors and nurses are telling me my trach and abscess on my face are looking good (being better each day). I'm still eating by G-tube only because of my trach and my tongue. They are continuing to be amazed at how it looks. 

I'm trying to exercise a little every day, even a little with my tongue. I think it's helping me get more movement back. I am also working hard at physio with walking, body movement, and control. 

My abscess continues to secrete a lot of fluid, and seems to be draining the swelling around my face. It's not as tight as before. The doctor sent for cultures and then changed my antibiotic today to the specific kind that will kill whatever infection they found. 

Thank you for letting me sleep and not disturbing me as I sleep in the hospital. Visits are still appreciated, but my sleep is needed to get better. 

How great is our God who knows everything! His ways I will follow. Praise God for never leaving us nor forsaking us. 

Thank you dear friends and family for continuing to pray for my family and I. 

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