Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Need for respite care

After another exhausting week for us both, Daniel and I consulted with a few nurses and doctors over the weekend and decided that we are in need of respite care. The best place for that is back at the Abbotsford Hospital; this time in the tertiary care ward (right beside where Daniel was on the Oncology ward two and a half months ago). A bed became available this morning, so here we are. Praise God that this could happen so quickly. 

Along with the extreme fatigue we're both dealing with (Daniel from the cancer and meds; me from all the regular things I do plus the extra care he's needed being so much weaker now), Daniel needs extra care I can't give him. 

While he's on this new med and weaning down/off the other meds, the transition is causing withdrawal symptoms and we need him monitored more closely until his body has developed the tolerance for the dose he's working up to. When he's feeling better and more "even keeled," and when I'm more rested too, he'll come home (if the Lord wills). 

The other big reason for needing more specialized care is he needs to be properly assessed whether he needs a tracheostomy. Should the tumour/edema get worse, his airway could become restricted. This procedure needs to be done electively, before it becomes an emergency and much more traumatic. An ENT specialist will assess him soon to see where we're at. So, a BIG prayer request is that this would never become an issue. Having a hole poked through one's trachea (right above the centre of the collarbone) and a tube inserted -- yeah, we don't want that to happen. But if it needs to, Daniel will be cared for well here. 

A big praise already is that Daniel got a large private room. It's relatively quiet and will give him a good chance to rest, which is a major reason he's here. I'm so very glad he won't have to deal with loud roommates again!

So, the plan is over the next day, Daniel will be observed to assess where he's at pain and symptom-wise. Then meds can be adjusted from there. 

We expect Daniel will be here for a few weeks to optimize the transition he's in. 

Please pray for:

- full and complete healing! God can use anything, even a mere moment of time.
- God's will would be done. 
- strength for us both during this next phase. 
- renewed energy for us both. 
- encouragement and comfort for us both, being apart again. 
- continued determination for Daniel to fight and persevere. 
- safety during driving for me during the 45 min. commute. 
- the new med would continue to be helpful and would start noticeably killing the cancer too. 
- wisdom for all of the people caring for Daniel. That there would be no mistakes, details missed, or complications. 
- that we would all work together well and achieve our goals for this respite care. 
- understanding for our kids about why daddy can't be home again. 
- during this time of continued uncertainty and constant temptation to fear what could be ahead, that the peace of Christ that we don't/can't understand would guard our hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.  
- God would be glorified and exalted; that His power would be unmistakably evident to all here. 
- that God would respond to all of our prayers for Daniel by restoring him to full health. 

Thank you for your faithful, fervent prayers, and your help and support!

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