Thursday, July 10, 2014

Prayer requested for efficacy of new med starting soon

First of all, we want to say a big thank you to the many people who have recently helped us out in so many ways – food prep, grocery shopping, child care, play dates, manual labour (we’ve so been enjoying our cleaned-up patio!), and joining us in prayer, even physically. Your service and words have been so encouraging and helpful.


The past week has been characterized by us all getting well as a family from the colds we all got last week. I was hit especially hard on Friday after a very long day of appointments at the hospital. When we came home I was just so exhausted and done in. Then our GP’s office called saying I needed to pick up some paperwork right away so out I went again!


We had to miss church because of how badly Daniel and I felt. Thankfully, the kids recovered after a few days once their 102 degree fevers broke with Tylenol. Daniel developed a routine cough – the kind anyone would get – but in his case it would sometimes make his tongue bleed. It’s just another layer of battle that we all didn’t need, though I am surprised we’ve been so healthy otherwise during this very taxing time.


It’s taken me a lot longer to get over my cold. First, because I got it so much worse than normal (due to my very stressed system), and second, because I haven’t been able to rest much. Daniel, the kids, and the house still need to get taken care of. I’m thankful I have my energy back now. It was very rough.


Yesterday, Daniel and I went out to the hospital for another blood test to check on his levels. Talking with the oncologist later, she said Daniel needs to get pamidronate IV shots once a month for a new symptom. The cancer is releasing calcium into Daniel’s blood, so the IV treatment stores it back into Daniel’s bones. If the levels would get too high, Daniel could get very nauseated and confused. Please pray we get this set up soon, as I’m trying to get it ordered at our local Ridge Meadows hospital if possible.


After the blood test, we attended Daniel’s aunt’s memorial service. It was a special service and was full of the Gospel. What an important thing to reflect on at a time like that. I really appreciated how the Pastor talked about the Gospel in light of suffering and trials. His words echoed what God has been teaching me about the purpose of and in trials.


It was also so wonderful to spend a few hours after the service catching up with Daniel’s extended family. They are such wonderful people and so encouraging with their hugs and prayers. Daniel, although exhausted, was very encouraged by everyone too, and considered it so worth it to spend what little energy he has to attend.

Many of you have asked in what ways you can help. I have learned that calling/messaging a lot of people to ask for help in various ways has been a job in itself (though I am so thankful to have so many want to help!). Plus, our days are such that giving people sufficient notice has sometimes been a challenge. And because it takes a lot of work, I find I just try and do most everything myself, which of course is exhausting. 

It would be so much easier if I knew who was available, or even "on call" and when. So I asked some friends to help make a master calendar and my friend, Margaret, set it up. 

The idea is, if you would like to help in some way (eg. delivering a meal, grocery shopping, errands, helping around the house, child care/play dates, etc.), put your availability on the following account's calendar created in Google.

Log in to Gmail with the address: and the password is 'forhisglory'. Then click on the apps icon by Margaret's name (the 3x3 grid icon near the top right) and scroll down to and click on the calendar icon. Once in the calendar window, anyone can then mark off a time slot with their name, what task they're available for, and phone number. I'd then be able to contact people directly to ask for specific help. Let's give this a try!


So, for prayer requests, along with continued fervent prayers for healing and complete restoration, we are asking for prayer for the new med that should be starting on Saturday. It has a lot of potential so please pray God would use it to help Daniel a lot. Please pray for wisdom for me as I do a bit of legwork to make it happen and make decisions about specifics, as well as wisdom for the medical professionals involved too. Thank you so much for faithfully bringing us before the Father in prayer!

A friend took the kids to the playground where Josiah made a new friend from the neighbourhood. 

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